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An official publication of NASAR
Published by
dbS Productions

* Pedigree and PetsMart Donate Dog Food to NASAR
* Dog's Genetic Innate Insight into Human Gestures
* SARDISK Special
* NASAR Secures New Publishing Partnership
* Homeland Security Passes
* NASAR is Home to National SAR Image Archive
* Alzheimer's-Proofing Your Home: Deterrents and Diversions
* GARMIN GPS Low Battery Memory Information
* Volunteer Mileage Deduction
* Status of Utah SAR Lawsuit
* New Mounted SAR List

 Online version at www.SARNEWS.com 12/03/02
 Sponsored by www.Sarcamp.com SAR professionals serving SAR professionals
Pedigree and PetsMart Donate 50,000 Pounds of Dog Food to NASAR

Pedigree and PetsMart have donated in excess of 50,000 pounds of Pedigree
dog food to NASAR. The donation is the result of the #36 car's finish in
this week's NASCAR race in Phoenix, AZ. However, don't go to PetsMart
expecting to pick up any of the donated product.  Vouchers for the dog food
will be distributed through state SAR coordinators.  For details on the
distribution please visit:


Dogs' May Have Innate Genetic Insight into Human Gestures

This article discusses the evolution of dogs'  remarkable ability to
understand human body language.  The latest research suggests this trait
has been evolutionarily engrained for about 15,000 years.



During December,  dbS Productions is having a close-out special on SARDISK
2001. The most recent version --  SARDISK 2000+ -- is still available from
dbS and the NASAR Bookstore for $49.95   However, dbS Productions still has
several copies of the older version (SARDISK 2001) now available for $25.
You can use the new on-line ordering through dbS Productions. Check it out
on the link below.


NASAR Secures New Publishing Partnership

The National Association for Search and Rescue secures a new publishing
partnership with Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Jones and Bartlett
Publishers (J&B) announces a new publishing partnership with the National
Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR) to develop state-of-the-art
professional/educational resources and course training materials for search
and rescue professionals.


Homeland Security Passes

The Homeland Security Department was voted into law.  Sections that may be
of particular interest to first responders can be found in Title V,  which
establishes the undersecretary of Emergency Preparedness and Response.
Section 505 states that FEMA will be responsible "for building the
emergency management profession to prepare effectively for, mitigate
against, respond to, and recover from any hazard;"  The entire law can be
read at:


NASAR is Home to National SAR Image Archive

Over the past 30 years, NASAR has acquired a fascinating collection of
images that allow us to revisit significant moments in SAR history.
Searchers, subjects, canines, live missions, training exercises, rugged
terrain - all have their place in NASAR's National SAR Image Archive.

NASAR is continually expanding its national archive of search and rescue
related images including both still and action photography. If you have
images you'd like to share with us, we will be honored to add your
contribution to the history of SAR. In particular, we would like to obtain:
Live Action SAR Video Footage - all types
SAR training photographs
SAR mission photographs


Alzheimer's-Proofing Your Home: Deterrents and Diversions

There are several unconventional means of preventing a wandering-prone
loved one from leaving home. Not all of these ploys will work for
everyone; success depends very much on the remaining resourcefulness of
your loved one and the stage of the disease he or she is in. Trial and
error will show you which tactic is best for your situation, but always
remember: There is no substitute for supervision and good care giving.
The article also does an excellent job of discussing retrogenesis, an
important behavioral feature of Alzheimer's that helps to predict
possible directions of travel and behavior.


GARMIN GPS Low Battery Memory Information

Some Garmin GPS may start displaying a message that says "Low Battery
Memory." This results from the fact that two different batteries exist in
some of the units.  If you receive the warning then the Frequently Asked
Questions section from GARMIN will answer a lot of your questions.


Volunteer Mileage Deduction

The following bills to increase the amount of volunteer mileage deduction
were not passed into law in the fall 2002 legislative session. They are
worth following, and may be introduced again in the spring 2003 legislative
session. If they are reintroduced be sure to write your senator and
representative to express your views and opinions.  Senator Russell
Feingold, Wisconsin, introduced S.2761 and Representative Todd Platts,
Pennsylvania, introduced H.R. 5229. The bills would have changed the
current deduction from $0.14 per mile to $0.365 per mile.

Status of Utah SAR Lawsuit

According to Tom Moyer of Salt Lake County Sheriff's SAR,  the one-year
deadline for filing a lawsuit against the Salt Lake County Sheriff has
passed with no lawsuit actually filed.  The filing of the "claim"
(a legal prerequisite for filing a lawsuit against a government agency in
Utah) received extensive media attention.  Tom Moyer posted this
information on the SAR-list.  For anyone interested in subscribing to
the SAR-L,  information is provided in the following link.


New Mounted SAR List Started

Una Smith of the Santa Fe County Sheriff's Posse in New Mexico has started
a mutual-aid web site and mailing list for MSAR (Mounted SAR).  If you are
interested in subscribing to the mailing list, send an e-mail to
msar-riders-request@lists.ibiblio.org containing the message "subscribe
Name" replacing "Your Name"  with your own name).  You may also visit the
link below.


You may opt out of the newsletter at anytime.  Your name and e-mail
address will not be rented or sold at any time.  We hope you enjoy this
issue. If you have any ideas, articles, event announcements, SAR news,
or just great stories, please contact us at

If someone forwarded this newsletter and you wish to subscribe, simply
reply using the following mail link:

If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, simply reply using the
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mailto:unsubscribe@sarnews.com?Subject=unsubscribe You may also visit

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