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Search and Rescue Dog Publications
Tracking/Trailing Dogs


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Man-Trackers & Dog Handlers in Search & Rescue: Basic Guidelines and Information by Fuller, Johnson, Koester. This book explores the unique combination of Search & Rescue dog teams and Man-trackers.  This combination might be the most effective tool management has for rapid finds.  The book introduces each type of resource and then educates each team as to the capabilities and limitations of each. It also explodes common myths and legends associated with each resource.  Perhaps most useful is the final chapter which outlines several different training exercises that both trackers and handlers might use.

ISBN: 1-879471-31-0 2000 dbS Productions 98pp $9.95

Ready! The Training of the Search and Rescue Dog by Susan Bulanda. All America is thrilled by Search and Rescue missions especially when the well-trained dogs are brought in to save victims of earthquakes hurricanes and man-made disasters. We watch with fascination and horror as these tales unfold across our television sets. This is one of the few comprehensive books on the training of SAR dogs. It is a complete approach to training for this type of dog. Nominated as Best Book of the Year in its category by the Dog Writer's Association.

ISBN: 0944875416 Doral Publishing 1995 170pp $21.20

On Trail! A Practical Guide to the Working Bloodhound and other Search and Rescue Dogs by Jan Tweedie.  The author is a law enforcement officer who trains bloodhounds for both search and rescue and criminal work.  On the Trail! is for anyone who wants to train a dog for search and rescue, learn about man-trailing, or bone up on the latest techniques. The author takes the reader step-by-step from raising a puppy or selecting a trailing dog through basic training and health concerns. She details beginning and advanced training techniques, explains the records and documentation required, and goes through field trailing and criminal work. The end result is a reliable search and rescue dog ready to go to work.

ISBN: 1577790057 1998 Alpine 217 pgs. $19.95

Practical Scent Dog Training by Lou Button.  This is an excellent book. It's a step by step practical training guide for air scent, evidence search, disaster search, and tracking tests. You can start with very young puppies. Not only that, but many of the training methods outlined can be used just for fun, even if you're not in search and rescue. I recommend this book to everyone interested in seeing their dogs use their noses, whether they are interested in actually doing search and rescue, just want to know a little more about SAR, or want to play around with the concepts.

ISBN: 0931866472 Alpine 1990 $15.95

Scent and the Scenting Dog by Bill Syrotuck.  Another classic text largely responsible for the explosion of trained SAR dogs in the United States.  Everything you need to know about scent and scent theory. The pertinent aspects of some theories are examined, and others are interpreted as they relate to the dog's ability to perceive a human's presence and to discriminate one human from another. Good information on how to apply air scent dogs in the field.

ISBN: 091412403X 1972 Barkleigh $10.82

Tracking Dog: Theory & Methods by Glen Johnson. This book is the standard for anyone interested in training dogs to track. Included in the book is the Tracking Trainers Handbook, a great reference for working in the field. Glen R. Johnson brought his many years of experience and innovation to write was has become the "bible" of trackers everywhere. His experience ranged from military dog work, to detection of toxic pipeline leaks using dogs.

ISBN: 0-91412404-8 Barkleigh 1999 214pp $20

Enthusiastic Tracking by William Sanders. The training method described here is a systematic technique that works for almost all dogs. It is a structured and careful method, leaving very little learning to chance. Because the dog must lead the handler down the track, motivational techniques are emphasized throughout the training process. The method prepares a dog and handler both for their first tracking test and the advanced TDX test. This training method is ideal for trainers who want a well laid-out plan that has a long history of success in training dogs to track.  Written more for AKA tracking but still a great source.

ISBN: 1-89211922-6 Rime 1998 160pp $24.95


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